Native Plants which are protected under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586 of Laws of Hong Kong)
學名 Scientific Name |
英文俗名 English Common Name |
中文俗名 Chinese Common Name |
1. Aquilaria sinensis | Incense Tree | 土沉香 |
2. Cibotium barometz | Lamb of Tartary | 金毛狗(金毛狗脊) |
3. Cyatheaceae (All Species) | Tree Ferns | 桫欏科植物 |
4. Dalbergia species | Rosewoods | 黃檀屬植物 |
5. Euphorbia atoto | Littoral Euphorbia | 濱海大戟 |
6. Nepenthes mirabilis | Pitcher Plant | 豬籠草 |
7. Orchidaceae (All Species) | Orchids | 蘭科植物 |