Drosera oblanceolata Y. Z. Ruan
Droseraceae 茅膏菜科
English Name Indian Sundew
Status in China Vulnerable(VU)


Perennial herbs, without tubers below the ground. Stems short, not branched. Leaves rosette, orbicular to oblanceolate or linear, 0.5-1.2 cm long, 2-4 mm wide, with glandular hairs; stipule membranous, light red, 5 mm, deeply 3-parted, middle lobe larger, 2- or 3-lobed at apex; petiole flattened, 1-3.2 cm long, glandular or glabrous. Inflorescences 1 or 2, 5-9 cm long, 8-10-flowered; bracts linear, ca. 2 mm long; pedicels 3-5 mm long; sepals 5, narrowly obovate to oblong, ca. 4 mm long, united at base, glandular-toothed at apex, persistent; petals 5, obovate to cuneate, pink; stamens 5; ovary ellipsoid to globose, ca. 2 mm long; styles 3, 2-3 mm long. Capsule 3-valved. Seeds ellipsoid, ca. 0.8 mm long.


Sunset Peak. Guangxi, Guangdong.

Habitat and Ecology:

On wet and sunny places beside rocks. Flowering & fruiting: May-Oct.

It is an insectivorous plant and plays a special role in an ecosystem. Natural populations are small and susceptible to disturbance and habitat destruction. In Hong Kong, the locality of its occurrence is in Country Park under protection.

